This page contains information for current MS-ACS students. If you are seeking general information about degree requirements, please see

Assistantships and Scholarships

GVSU is not a research university, and thus our assistantship and scholarship opportunities are limited. Instead, we offer the opportunity of graduate internships with local companies. We don't "place" students with companies, but our students seldom struggle to find an internship where they can apply their computing skills. Furthermore, internships are paid and may lead to permanent employment after the degree is completed.

As for assistantships, we normally do not award assistantships to new students. Instead, we often reserve assistantship positions for our established graduate students who have been successful in the classroom. However, when a new open GA position becomes available the graduate program director will email all graduate students letting them know of the opportunity.

Finally, for scholarships, GVSU has a few that are specific to computing. You can browse the entire list of scholarships at

Projects and Theses

In order to earn the degree, you must complete a "capstone" experience. We have two options.

  1. CIS 693 is an independent project where you will work on a project closely aligned with the research interests of a professor.
  2. CIS 690 and CIS 695 is an independent thesis on an original research idea. You will work with a committee of three professors to formulate a thesis topic (in CIS 690), and then execute the research and defend it (in CIS 695).


Project/Thesis Information

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Page last modified August 16, 2024