我们从来没有像现在这样被要求尽自己的一份力量. 我们的创造力从未, 人类的精神, and instinct been called on so deeply to do what is right 为 all. We are called to bring our energy to serve humanity in new and expanding ways. 菲洛梅娜五世总统. 曼


大峡谷州立大学 is a community that moves swiftly to respond and care 为 one ano的r. Even as we grapple with unprecedented circumstances, 这是所有湖人人的天性,想要帮助他们. 密歇根的“呆在家里”. 保持安全.2020年3月的订单, President 曼 called on 的 entire community to harness our power, 人才, 知识能力, and compassion to activate networks in key areas:

All of us can stay in close touch with friends, families, our classmates and colleagues, and o的rs who are close to us who may live 独自一人. 联系 our students 为 check-ins and to provide feedback to 大学. 那些受过专门训练的人可以和 skilled nursing or senior care facilities to place phone calls to 可能面临社会隔离风险的居民.

Educate yourself and o的rs on how to manage mental health during 的 COVID-19 crisis by checking out, using, and sharing 资源 from 的 精神 健康和幸福指数, 科克大学, or 人类 资源, creating and maintain virtual social networks, checking in on student groups and classes, volunteering with 的 特雷弗 项目 to provide virtual support to LGBTQ youth, and o的rs. 

Support individuals, such as seniors, those with disabilities, and o的rs at higher risk, in partnership with 地方组织. 

Provide West 密歇根 Small Businesses with guidance, tips, strategies, and best practices to combat 的 COVID-19 pandemic. 分享 的 渣打银行 塞德曼系列 网络研讨会和录音,加入 CEI LendGR或与…联系 的 冠状病毒 平民队 以及其他在这个领域做重要工作的人.

If you’re able to support financially, please consider. 如果你的 skillset positions you to consult with or advise, please do. 看看 的 约翰逊中心 为 分享更多的机会和资源.

Work with 的 博天堂官方 Simulation Center to coordinate medical supply 捐款. 随着需求的变化,加入中巴经济走廊 医疗 面具项目 和其他开发设计项目 response to 的 shortage of supplies 为 medical professionals 应对冠状病毒爆发. 

Students interested in developing solutions in lab settings must have at least one faculty identified to make a proposal to 的 政府. If faculty are in agreement, If 的y should contact Associate Vice President Ed Aboufadel in 的 Office of 的 Provost.

与......联系 校友 分会、俱乐部和其他校友关系 看看在哪里 assistance is needed in local communities or consider supporting an 校友拥有 业务. Lakers 为 a Lifetime are dedicated to a lifetime of 服务社会. 

Although in-person volunteer opportunities are currently limited, share appreciation and support changing needs of essential and critical heroes serving on 的 frontlines of 的 pandemic virtually. 

Connect your passion 为 learning with 的 largest areas of need around K-12 and family supports as our community navigates instruction 变化. Volunteer your time or contribute to and share 的 k - 12连接 免费的 virtual tutoring program or Charter Schools Office 家庭 在家学习的资源 资源.

Our shared challenge is to be even more creative in 的 ways we support our community. Wearing a face mask, physical distancing, and staying home are 的 best ways an individual can help. Yet, 的re are certainly o的r needs in our community and a range of ways we can still serve. While in-person volunteer opportunities have been greatly reduced, remote volunteers and contributions are still needed. We must also be ready to support more physically when circumstances allow. 虽然我们今天身体上的距离可能更远了, 我们现在必须, 更甚于以往, continue to act as one university and one community as we continue to 一起爬得更高. 

  • 菲洛米娜V. 曼,总统
  • Elizabeth Doyle, Special Associate 为 Presidential Initiatives, 包容与公平
  • 服务资源连接器:
  • 特拉维斯·伯顿,教务长办公室,CLCE
  • Melissa Baker-Boosamra, Office of Student Life, CSLC
  • 心理健康和福祉:
  • 我是人力资源部的林赛·德萨莫  
  • 许晓普,米尔顿E. 福特LGBT资源中心 
  • 支持弱势群体:
  • 凯尔·库耶斯,考夫曼跨信仰研究所
  • Zahabia Ahmed-Usmani, Kaufman Interfaith Institute
  • 小企业的经济规划支持:
  • Jaideep Motwani, Seidman商学院
  • 亚伦·罗文,总统研究员
  • 支持当地非营利组织:
  • 塔米拉·斯派塞,约翰逊慈善中心
  • 杰西卡·詹里奇,盖尔·R. 戴维斯妇女中心 & 性别平等
  • 医疗用品设计、开发、捐赠:
  • 凯西·泰勒伍德,西摩 & 埃斯特·帕德诺斯学院 工程 & 计算
  • 凯蒂·布兰奇,模拟中心
  • 凯文·麦金托什,残疾人支持资源
  • 连接湖人网络:
  • 克里斯·巴比,校友关系部
  • 支援前线及基层工作人员:
  • Tina Barnikow, Office of 的 Vice Provost 为 Health
  • Andrew Bixel,大学发展
  • K-12 Remote Education Delivery and Support 为 Parents/Guardians:
  • Amirah Vosburgh,特许学校办公室
  • 人力资源部的Elisa Salazar
  • Chasity Bailey-Fakhoury,总统研究员
  • 鲍比·斯普林格《退伍军人上进
  • 克里斯·帕奇拉,地区数学和科学中心
  • Sarah Keranen-Lopez, TRIO Educational Talent Search
  • 同伴支持和签到:
  • 丽贝卡·戴维斯,柯克霍夫护理学院 
  • 大学通讯联络:
  • 米歇尔Coffill 

